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Bad Boy Mulching Kit Last Updated: 08/18/2009 |
I have a 52" Bad Boy Pup and am looking to add a mulch kit. What all comes with their mulch kit? Is it just blades and a block off plate? I was thinking about just ordering a advanced chute system plate and blades instead. This would be the same thing? Answer: The mulching kit bolts on to the existing baffling under your mower. It blocks off the discharge and mulches with the mulching blades. The advanced chute system blocks the discharge at the discharge chute only, not around the blades, is somewhat of a mulching device and also allows you to edge with the discharge side and open and close as you want to. I guess it has a lot to do with your need or want to mulch, to what degree or if you want the advanced chute system for edging purposes as well...