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Skid Steer Buckets - Extreme Duty Buckets made to fit Skidsteer Loaders

If you are looking to buy a skid steer bucket that is engineered to out perform the skid steer model it is mounted on, Everything Attachments has extreme duty skid steer buckets for sale that will make all other skidsteer buckets look like what they are. . . Cheap!
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WR Long Tree Spade WR Long Tree Spade

WR Long Tree Spade Stump Bucket.

W R  Long Root Rake Brush Grapple for compact tractors up to full size W R Long Root Rake Brush Grapple

W R Long Root Rake Brush Grapple for Compact up to Full size Tractors and Skid Steers, single and dual lid models.

W R Long Open Bottom Grapple OBG-2 for compact tractor loaders W R Long Open Bottom Grapple 2 for Compact Tractor Loaders

W.R. Long OBG-2

Open Bottom Grapple 2, available in widths of 48", 56", 64", and 72 inches.

W R Long Open Bottom Grapple 1 Full size Tractor Loader W R Long Open Bottom Grapple 1

W R Long Open Bottom Grapple 1, available in 64, 72, and 80 inches, up to 3,500 lbs. capacity.

Everything Attachments Wicked Compact Tractor Front End Loader Bucket Everything Attachments Wicked Compact Bucket

Everything Attachments has manufactured the absolute best compact tractor bucket on the planet. This bucket is made entirely out of Hardox 450 which is designed to be used in high wear environments for strength and durability.
***Buckets now do not come standard with the additional wicked or beveled edge to bolt on. They still come with a welded in beveled edge.


Skid Steer Buckets are not all the same.

You know this because you are here, shopping for a stronger, better engineered Skid Steer Buckets for Sale than the one you had. We understand this very well, and will not ever be the company that sells poor quality in our skid steer buckets line-up.
Here at Everything Attachments, know that when you order our Xtreme Duty Skid Steer Buckets, you have purchased the best engineered skid steer heavy duty skid steer bucket for the money!
Teds Take on our American Made SkidSteer Buckets -
Dear Everything Attachments Customers, Our skid steer loader buckets that we offer are manufactured by Construction Attachments in Lenoir North Carolina which happens to be my brothers company. There are so many cheap quality bucket choices out there claiming to be "Extreme Duty Buckets" that it has become neccessary to explain what Extreme Duty really means here at Everything Attachments and Construction Attachments.
You will never see anyones bucket listed as a "Light Duty" or "Normal Duty" bucket. They just wouldn't sell as good because no one wants a flimsy bucket. Instead they label them as heavy duty or Extreme Duty . . . even though it is most times made from mild steel and in some cases in China.
At Construction Attachments, Extreme Duty means exactly that. It means that your skid steer bucket is built to work beyond the capabilites of the machine that it was designed for. There is also a "Severe Xtreme Duty" rating at Construction Attachments designed for larger tracks machines from 80 -130 hp or when the intended use calls for it.
Construction Attachments designs and manufactures a lot of different buckets. Dirt and foundry buckets made just for digging and moving dirt. Our General Purpose Standard Bottom Buckets are perfect for dirt moving because their short depth to really have the break out force you need.
Construction Attachments does offer an extended lip low profile bucket that is a favorite among skid steer owners because it is the only bucket that allows them to have a clear view of exactly what the front cutting edge is doing. These buckets are great for doing final grading work, but are by no means limited to this. All of these buckets are offered with a toothbar, weld on teeth, bolt on teeth, and reversible cutting edges. Order yours the way you want it.
Construction Attachments also offers a wide variety of 4 in 1 Buckets for those who find value in having 4 attachments in one well designed package. Use it as bucket for moving materials, or lift the clam and use it as a dozer blade. Use it like a boxblade if you tilt the clam down while opened allowing you to back drag with the multipurpose 4 in 1 bucket. Another good use is to use the clam as a grapple to move logs, brush, and debris while maintaining the ability to use it as a normal bucket. Once you try a Construction Attachment four in one bucket, you may be surprised at how long it stays on there!
When Construction Attachments decided to engineer a stump bucket, they decided to go "Severe Xtreme Duty" as the only model simply because the intended use called for it. The Wicked Stump Bucket can be found in the Wicked Stump Grapple configuration as well and is made to be driven into the ground with as much force as you can apply with your machine drive and hydraulics combined. The Hardened Side Cutters slice through the roots and the grapple lets you pop the stumps right out of the ground. These attachments are built "Severe Xtreme" because stumps do not like to come out of the ground easily.
Construction Attachments Root Grapple is designed for carrying any kind of brush, roots and debris. There is a round tube welded about 8" from the end of the tines for two reasons: Strength, and it acts like a wheel when you are trying to push the tine through the hard dirt getting all the roots that are close to the top of the ground. It also keeps the tines from getting so deep that you cannot push the tines in too deep to get them back through to the surface.
Construction Attachments Grapple Buckets are designed for the most severe duty uses such as a scrap yard, but they also make a great tool for the farm. What goes in the bucket, stays in the bucket thanks to the well engineered dual grapple arms.
I hope this helps answer some of your questions about our skid steer buckets offered for sale here at Everything Attachments.
Ted Corriher - President