Technical Specs:
660 lbs.
700 lbs.
720 lbs.
860 lbs.
Extended Information:
Hi, I'm Ted from Everything Attachments. We're here today with our Version 2.0 of what's been a very popular box blade, what we call our Category Iⅈ. And from here forward, all the geometry has stayed the same. We'll show you what we've changed on the back. And the only differences on the front is they will come standard. All the Version 2.0's will come standard with the American made, super tough ripper shank, giving you a little more durability there. And they are four holes, just like what we were using of the India shank. Which was the best shank we could find until we found these shanks, and we have to custom order them. They don't keep them on the shelf. We order 400 at a time to get our orders in, and we just have to put in a custom order to get them made.
Turn us around to the back, Nate, where the new stuff is.
So what we did, we turned this box blade into a box blade that could be a floating tailgate, if that's the way you order it. So in that case, we didn't want to make two sets of everything, and trying to keep common parts is a big thing we try to do. So what we did was, this half-inch side plate is about three inches longer than what was on the first version of our Category Iⅈ box blade. So to be able to put the floating tailgate, we needed this extra length here. So when we make it a fixed edge, you just gain a lot more push back ability, the ability to pile it up here. What a lot of people like is a big deep pocket where they can get more debris, and get it all pushing at the same time. We stayed with the American made vault cutting edges. So, when you're ordering a fixed edge, you're basically getting a new version of what was our Category Iⅈ box blade with the American shanks, and you're getting a little extra room in the back.
Now this does also come in a floating tailgate, which is listed, which uses a piece right here that welds and lets this whole tailgate float and go down to about the same position as the blade is now. So this is our new Category Iⅈ, Version 2.0, and you can see it's still welded through and everything, front and back. Category Iⅈ, it is quick attach acceptable, and all the good features that were in the original blade are still here, plus some extras.
If you need any help sizing this for your tractor, or getting the weight right...of course, the weight went up just a little bit between the side edges getting bigger. But we'll be happy to help you with any questions you've got at Everything Attachments.