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EA Compact Tractor Post Hole Digger

Compact Tractor PTO 3 point Post Hole Digger
Everything Attachments Compact Tractor Post Hole Digger
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Everything Attachments Compact Tractor Post Hole Digger

The Everything Attachments Compact Tractor Post Hole Digger features a strong tubular boom and is designed for small compact tractors with a category 1 3 point hitch. The hoop, which hooks to the tractor lift arms, has pins on the outside and inside, so you can choose which position fits best. The 44 HP gearbox has tapered roller bearings and the output shaft is a standard 2" round. The shielded Class 4, Heavy Duty PTO shaft has shear bolt protection. The seven-position boom allows for adjustment to fit most smaller category 1, 3 point hitch tractors. The augers are available in 4", 6", 9", and 12" diameter sizes. We have a video of How to Assemble and Install a Three Point Hitch Post Hole Digger, scroll down to watch it. This Post hole digger is available with an optional guide bar. The gear box is pre-filled with gear oil and is ready to hookup and use.

Flighting is 1/8" thick on the 6" through 12" bits, the 18" bit has 1/4" flighting

Subcompact Tractor Owners: See the Land Shark Subcompact PHD by EA.

  • Proudly Made in the USA!
  • Designed for small category 1 tractors.
  • Versatile, inside and outside lift arm pins.
  • Boom design and geometry maximizes leverage for lifting.
  • Gearbox is rated for up to 44 HP.
  • Auger bits are 48" long except for the 4" auger bit.
  • 6", 9" and 12" augers feature bolt on, replaceable tips and cutting teeth.
  • WICKED boom pole option adds extra top bracing and hinging hook for moving objects.
  • Wicked boom pole product page is here: EA Wicked Boom Pole
  • Download Owner's Manual
  • View Warranty
  • eaGround
Choose the WICKED Boom Pole Option and we will include a larger diameter, reinforced boom pole with top bracing and hinged lift hook on the end instead of the "normal" post hole digger boom.


There are a few older Kubota B Series tractors with an odd shaped ROPS.
If your tractor has this, a post hole digger will not fit without modification.

360 Degree View 360 Degree View of Auger Bits

American Made Attachment

Post hole digger with 6", 9" & 12" Auger Bit sizes available.

Item# Item Name Our Price Sale Price Qty Add
ETA-COMPACT-6 ETA Compact Post Hole Digger with ETA 6 x 48 HD Auger Bit 185 lbs
$ 1,246.71
ETA-COMPACT-9 ETA Compact Post Hole Digger with ETA 9 x 48 HD Auger Bit 195 lbs
$ 1,260.02
ETA-COMPACT-12 ETA Compact Post Hole Digger with ETA 12 x 48 HD Auger Bit 208 lbs
$ 1,319.97
5-PINS-COMPACT Set of 5 Extra Shear Pins w/ Purchase of Compact Post Hole Digger
$ 8.81
ETA-WICKED-BOOM-OPT Upgrade with WICKED Boom Pole Option
Check the items you wish to purchase, then click

Extended Information:

Hi, I'm Ted from Everything Attachments, and we're here today with parts of the ETA, which is Everything Attachments, post hole digger. I just want to explain some of the things we've done for our own post hole digger and what improvements we've made and why there is a cost difference between an Everything Attachments post hole digger and a Leinbach post hole digger.

The Leinbach post hole diggers are great. We've sold a lot of them over the years. We've had trouble getting supply all the time of them, so just to keep our customers happy and to keep the supply line moving, we're producing our own augers in-house. And we've made a lot of improvements on them. They look similar, but we've made a lot of improvements and we just want to tell you what we've done and why these are costing more. It's not like I've just jacked up the price. You're truly getting what you pay for.

So we'll start with the gearboxes. This is an omni-gearbox, and yes, unfortunately, it is made in China. But most of the American manufacturers that have a good post hole driller line, and I'm going to try not to mention names because I would cover just about all of the manufacturers out there. But this box is on several different other companies, you know as a major manufacturer that also builds loaders and other components. And that box is rated up to a 24 inch auger. This is the smaller gearbox like would be on our Everything Attachments 6900 compact and the 6900. It's also an omni-gearbox and it's rated up to a 12 inch auger.

Now the difference between the Leinbach and the Everything Attachment drive shaft, Leinbach uses a class 2 shaft, which is fine up to 12 inches, and this is a class 4 shaft. It's good up to 24 inches. Now this shaft weighs 20 pounds more than a class 2 shaft. It's more expensive to ship, but you can't hardly tear it up if you wanted to, especially on the little digger. Now we're using a class 4 on the little digger just simply because when we buy in numbers and quantity we can buy one grade of a better shaft for the price of trying to manage two different grades for two different augers.

So we want to show you the difference in the auger, too. The Leinbach auger makes a good auger bit. They really do. They're a medium duty bit. Probably the biggest disadvantage is that when you wear out the tip where you're digging, you have to replace the whole head, which is about $30 or more, and then on these you would only have to replace just the tips. And actually is a better style of digging. And we're going to turn this around and show it to you.

OK, on the four inch bit, the problem with a four inch bit is it's only four inches and you got a real powerful gearbox here. So the four inch bit for right now is actually going to cost more than most of these bits. This is a Danuser bit. Because of the way it's built, it uses a small shaft, but to make it to where it has enough flighting on it to bring the dirt out, it has to be built like a brick house. It has a really thick tube, a really thick collar, has a good screw point on it, and it has the standard cutting edges on both sides. So it's hard to make a good four inch bit cheap. There's no real way to do it without it breaking and I've got quite a few broken cheap four inch bits around here. So we're just going to use the best bit I know of on the four inch.

On the six, nine and twelve and eighteen, these are bits that we got for Everything Attachments augers. They have a big nice long screw on the end, which is going to help start your hoe early. And then when you go to replace the tips, you only have to replace each point instead of the complete assembly. Now everything about these bits are just heavier, so they're more expensive for me to ship.

Now Everything Attachments augers will now come completely boxed in cardboard. We're putting a nice paint job on them. We're using heavier pipe, heavier tubing. They'll come encased in cardboard with that expanded foam to protect it, keep it from getting scratched from shipping, which is delivering. And we just want to give you a superior product at a great price. The price has gone up some, but you get what you pay for and I can guarantee you at Everything Attachments we're giving you all we can for the dollar. And we're keeping as much of this made in America as we can. All the booms and all were done and painted right here in this house. And if you'll give us a call or an email, we'll help size the right auger for your tractor and the right auger head and get everything right for you. Just give us a call or an email at Everything Attachments.

Video 2

Hi, I'm Ted from everythingattachments.com and I'm going to try to show you how a Leinbach 3-Point Hitch PTO-
Driven auger is going to come to you. We're going to ship this in three pieces for your convenience, ground.
So you're going to have your gearbox assembly, your main boom and PTO shaft, your hoop or bale, and your auger. These are going to come banded together, shrink wrapped with saran wrap on them to hold them together, protect them as much as you can. Your PTO shaft is going to come banded to your hoop in two places, and then it's going to be shrink wrapped also. Your gearbox is going to come just like this with a shipping label on it. So you're going to have these three components to install to make a complete PTO auger system.
We're going to start by cutting. We're going to remove the top link on the tractor. And we're going to reuse this pin. This is the best way I know of to install this, especially the first time you get it when it's in pieces. We're going to remove the top link from the tractor. We're going to start in the middle hole here, there are three hole adjustments. We're going to start in the middle hole. So now your boom is attached. These are inch and 1/8 size bolts. You're going to need to loosen this bolt and remove it. You're going to set it across your boom, install it onto your tractor draw bar arms. We want this hoop to be as level as we can to get the most lift. We're halfway up with our draw bar arms, we're going to go with this hole right here. Then you'll need to tighten this with an inch and 1/8 or two big adjustable wrenches.
Now that we've got our boom on the tractor, our hoop installed, we're going to install this heavy gearbox. We're going to remove the carter pin, slide the pin to the edge, slip it under your boom, slide in your main pin, return your carter pin to the hole. You're going to need to bend that with your pair of pliers. Now that we've got the bale on the tractor, the hoop, the boom, the gearbox, we're going to install the PTO shaft. We've already got the screws unloosened here on the cover, and we're going to unloosen the cover just to show you some of the important safety devices and things you're going to need to know installing this PTO shaft. The reason this is cut right here is there's a set screw that's going to be holding inside of this groove, so if the shear bolt shears the PTO shaft cannot come off the gearbox and cause damage. This bolt is designed specifically... if your auger hits a rock or anything hard in the ground, instead of tearing up your tractor, your drive shaft, or your auger, this bolt that goes through your PTO shaft is going to shear and then your set screw is going to hold into this groove to keep the shaft from being able to pull off.
So we're going to remove the bolt out of the end of the PTO shaft. This is a shear bolt so if it ever quits working, your shaft is still turning, this is the bolt you will need to replace. This is the set screw that is used with an 1/8 inch Allen wrench which is going to be screwed down into this groove on the shaft. So we're putting our bolt through, put our nut on. That could be tightened with a 9/16 wrench or an adjustable. Now we're going to take our safety that keeps the shaft from coming off, we're going to run this set screw in. This is a 1/8 Allen wrench. We're going to go until it gets tight, we're going to back it up just a little bit so it can turn, and then we're going to lock the screw down, the nut around it so it can't turn. Tighten that, then we're going to install the PTO shaft onto the tractor.
We're going to disconnect the two chains holding the shaft together. You have a pin right here. This has to be pushed in to allow it to go into this groove which is on the PTO shaft. So the best thing to do is hold your pin all the way in, go in plenty far enough, release the pin, and pull back until you hear it click and then you'll know it can't go on or off any further. Now on the PTO shaft, these chains are designed to keep the cover from turning in the event you were... you shouldn't be near this in any way, shape, or form, but in the event that something could get wound up around this shaft these are kept on here for protection to keep them from turning. You're going to have one on your end of the shaft where the gearbox is and one on the tractor end.
Now the shaft on the outside collar can't turn regardless of the shaft turning on the inside. Now that the rest of the auger is assembled we're going to put our bid on. We're going to remove the two bolts out of our auger which will take a 3/4 inch wrench or an adjustable. Line your holes up with your gearbox best you can before you put it on. Okay, and you're pretty much ready to go drill a hole. ...our final shields, and then you're going to be ready to drill holes. The gearbox does come with oil in it. We ship them complete with oil.
I'm going to show you where to check it and where to fill it, just in case so you can check it. It always says check before running. There's a pipe plug here. That is where you're going to fill it from and there's a pipe plug here and that's your check level. So basically you remove both plugs and fill it until it runs out the side. The gearbox will come with oil but it's still a good idea to check it.

Video 4
Hi, I'm Ted from Everything Attachments. We're today with our [inaudible 00:00:15] post hole digger. We've been making this post hole digger for a lot of years. We've finally made a few changes on it for the different sizes of tractors that are getting. Tractors have been rated for a long time, from a category one tractor to a class four tractor. Now some of the tractors are getting so big. In other words, the Kubota L6060 it should almost be a class five. It's almost in the utility class. And then they've come up with the sub-compact the .5 which is a BX and the John Deere. Everybody has a sub-compact which is called a .5.

And we have a Pacific post hole digger that's painted orange called a Land Shark that's specifically made for a BX. So if I was buying one for a BX, that's definitely the model that is specifically designed and works perfectly on it. This is the compact model. The BX model will also work on a B just fine, but after looking at both of them mounted on a B tractor, I certainly if I only want...this is a 48 inch bit on this model of the Junior on the subcompact one. It comes with a 36 inch bit. The 36 inch has a 30-inch digging capacity, maybe a little more, the 48 has a 42-inch capacity maybe just a little bit more.

But so what we've done is the BX only has one location point and it's under this main beam here because it's all really small. Once you get to the B which is a true tractor and called a class one tractor then you have a little more adjustment back here, and you come real close to having a true standard three point hitch. The only thing I'm not a big fan of on these smaller tractors are the internal stabilizers instead of the external stabilizers. But this is...we used to have two arches one for the compact one for the 6900. We've made this arch the same, and we've put the pins on both sides of it. The pins on the inside make it really easy to hook to a tractor that has the stabilizer bars on the inside where you can keep them set all the time the same and you just open them up, put your pins in, and you're done, versus having to loosen them up a lot and come to the outside of the pin and then to get the slop out of them tighten it all back up again.

So whether you're...if you've got this type of stabilizer system, you want to hook on the inside. If you've got a full-sized tractor, and this would happen to be a full size 6900 boom, then you would want to be on the outside. And that digger is rated up to about the 50-60 horsepower and it goes on the outside. But so when we built the smaller one like Land Pride similar has for their smaller tractors, we kind of built it specifically for the BX and the B. And once we got everything and it took a lot...once we got everything right for it to fit the BX perfectly, which took a lot, there was a lot of things that once you get to a B having a standard hitch and all I'm like, "Would I use the new little one for the subcompact or would I go back and use the compact?"

So really and truly to have all the bit options for the 48 if you wanted to this...and the way you can adjust this hoop. And what this hoop will do for you, these adjustments, the further you come out the more leverage you get. On the smaller one, it has a shorter boom so you do get more leverage. But if you were to be in this particular hole here and you got your bit stuck or couldn't pull it out and wanted more power, you can simply move this to the back hole and get as much power as you need to hopefully get it out of the hole. And then you can move it back easily if you want to. The further you have it in, the further it will lift. This is a 48-inch lift augur on this now and I had 16 inches of clearance when I measured it.

So that's enough. If I thought I'd never drill a hole over two feet, I might still would put the 36 inch on it. They're the same price. Just do not have as much hanging down on the smaller tractors. If I were putting this on a 30 horsepower tractor, you can still use the compact with either bit and you probably would end up using the outer pins. But this has been a great digger for us over the years. We've changed the guard zone here where you don't have to take them off to take the bit. We put two different heights of holes to remove both pins here. We've got the hole through here to remove the shear bolt.

Even on the little bitty post hole diggers, we're using the heavy duty shaft on this tractor here. This is a category four PTO shaft and almost everybody is until you get to the really heavy duty uses the category two PTO shaft. So we use a shaft that weighs about twice as much. We never have shaft problems. We fill our gear boxes with oil before you get them so we never have to worry about a customer that forgot to put the oil in them. So we're not really supposed to send them that way but it causes a lot less trouble for us and you the customer. But always check it to make sure but we do fill those with oil whether we're supposed to or not for shipping.

We have a nice hook here that makes a good way to unhook. If you've got a place under a shed or something to put a strap through, we've got a nice hook here and it's a pretty good way of taking these off. Don't forget the hook up your safety chain so if your shield didn't work, it isn't turning top and bottom. That's your standard inch and three-eighths PTO that's on a BX, the B and, any full-size tractor. So I just wanted to point out how well that the Compact fits on this category one size tractor of any brand. And we've also got this shown on a BX with our small one.

So our guys here when you call, just give us a call or an e-mail, they're really good because there's a lot of different ways to figure what size bit you want for what you're doing. If you're tamping [SP] your holes, you don't want too big of a hole where it takes too long for it to firm up and get solid. If you're cementing your holes and you're using square posts, even though you're using a four by four, sideways, it's about five and a half inches. So if you're cementing it, a six-inch hole will crack in the corners because it's going to be too thin. So between say cementing or tamping the dirt back in, and what size you're using whether it be round or square, our guys can help you make sure you get the right bit for what you're doing, and the right digger for your size of a tractor. Just give us a call or an email at Everything Attachments. That's what we specialize in getting you the right product. And our trademark is quality by design because we put a lot of design into this quality to get everything right for you.

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 4.5 of 5 4.5 of 5 Total Reviews: 90 Write a review.

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Happy with the digger October 29, 2024
Reviewer: David H. from Missouri  
Using a Kioti 3510: This digger does the job without issue.  I used the 12" auger to dig piers in the rocky clay soil here in the Ozarks.  Easy to put together, easy to attach to the tractor without anything extra and came with oil in the gear box as stated.  One thing I will note, the bit is 36" but with the gear box protective housing you will only get about 30" deep before that box starts to hit the dirt.  So if you need to get deeper then 30", I recommend the extension.  I will be ordering it with my next purchase.. which will be the 60" EA rotary brush cutter.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 3 point auger December 5, 2023
Reviewer: Tim Scott from Callahan, FL United States  
Extremely pleased.  Already used to dig at least 30 post holes.  Cuts through with ease.  Heavy duty.  No complaints at all.  No issue to install when you watch the video.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Looks good on the pallet November 22, 2023
Reviewer: Marvin Wolverton from Sikeston , MO United States  
Haven’t had time to put it together yet but it looks well made. I have had trouble with the boom pole on others bending, this one seems to be heavier built.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Exactly what you expect from EA July 4, 2023
Reviewer: Eric Dziedzic from Milan, MI United States  
Post Hole Digger works as expected,  working with EA staff is always excellent

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
3 of 5 June 26, 2023
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from Alberta Canada  
the information package is not up to date
the oil needed is not accurately described on the info package
one should not have to go and buy a bolt  for the auger, this should have been supplied
EA RESPONSE:  Fluid is included, and supposed to be at the proper level, but best to check prior to use.  No bolt is required.    Thanks for the business.

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