Hi, I'm Ted from Everything Attachments. We're here today with the ATI brand of quick attach conversion. This will take your standard farm tractor or industrial tractor that did not come with a quick attach, that had a bucket on it and just the four pins, to make it the same as the skid steer. We'll turn this around in just a minute.
All the new tractors, pretty much, and every skid steer comes with a quick attach, where you can change your implements really quickly and conveniently. Turn me around Peanut.
What's important is all tractors and loaders come with a different pattern whether its a different hole size, a different distance from top to bottom, and a different width here. So pretty much, all of these have to be custom made for the tractor that you have.
All right, come on around. You can see, it has a nice wide pad on the ATI. This is going on a 344 tractor, which is an industrial tractor with about a 4000 pound lift capacity. It's made really heavy with dual bars top and bottom. This weighs almost 200 pounds. But then it makes it just where you can put on new grapples, or just your forks, your buckets. You're able to take your old-style loader, instead of having to beat the four pins in and out, you simply lift the bar and the pin is retracted. You go back under your implement, get the quick attach, pull the pin down, and you're done.
We have a video on how to cut off this part here which will be your four pins, off of your bucket, and mount a quick attach plate which we also have on our website for sale, to be able to make it so any of the attachments you have can fit this easily. It's just as simple as pulling and pushing the lever up and down, and being able to change to many different implements.
If you'll give us a call or an email, we'll make sure that this is available for your size loader and tractor. That's what we'll need to know:
what brand and size tractor you have and the loader number. We have a couple of different manufacturers that make these. The ATIs are really good ones.